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U-Turn Accident Attorney in Roanoke

While making a U-turn is legal in some circumstances under Virginia law, doing so can still be risky, especially when there are other vehicles or pedestrians nearby. U-turns that lead to collisions can result in severe injuries and property damage and are often the fault of the driver attempting the U-turn.

If you’ve been injured in a collision because another driver attempted to execute a U-turn, you have the legal right to seek compensation for your injuries. Contact a Roanoke U-turn accident lawyer at Lichtenstein Law Group PLC. We’d be happy to review your legal options in a free consultation.

What Are Virginia’s U-Turn Laws?

Virginia law places some restrictions on U-turns. While U-turns are generally legal at intersections, this isn’t universally true.

Here are some circumstances in which U-turns are illegal:

  • When there is no intersecting road
  • Anywhere the road curves
  • At or near the crest of a hill
  • When the car can’t be seen from a distance of 500 feet by drivers approaching from any direction
  • When signage at an intersection specifically prohibits U-turns

Motorists are responsible for executing a U-turn only when permitted by law and when conditions safely allow. They must also yield the right of way. Drivers attempting a U-turn when it’s illegal or unsafe and causing an accident in the process can be held liable for any injuries that result. Contact our Roanoke car accident lawyer today.

What Are the Causes of U-Turn Accidents?

In general, U-turn accidents are most often caused by negligence by the driver attempting the maneuver.

Some potential causes of U-turn accidents include:

  • Failure to yield to oncoming traffic
  • Misjudging the distance between the U-turning vehicle and oncoming traffic
  • Poor visibility or traction due to weather conditions
  • Reckless driving
  • Impaired driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Attempting an illegal U-turn

Is the Driver Making the U-Turn Always At Fault for the Accident?

While drivers executing U-turns are often at fault in accidents, whether because they were in violation of the law or because they failed to exercise due caution, there are some circumstances in which they may not be at fault:

  • They had a green arrow indicating they had the right of way
  • They collided with another vehicle that was also making a turn, in which case both drivers might be at fault
  • Another involved driver was impaired, distracted, speeding, or otherwise acting in a negligent way

Ultimately, for a driver making a U-turn to be considered at fault in an accident, they must have failed to take reasonable care in yielding the right of way to other drivers. If you were injured by a driver executing a U-turn, your Roanoke U-turn accident lawyer must establish that the other driver acted negligently, causing the accident and your injuries.

What Makes U-Turns Dangerous?

U-turns carry some inherent risk, primarily because they involve crossing over into traffic from the opposite direction. This increases the risk of collisions, such as T-bone accidents, especially when the driver attempting to execute the U-turn miscalculates the distance between themselves and other vehicles.

Another reason U-turns are dangerous is because they involve sharp turns, which can be challenging for drivers to judge and execute if there are space constraints or if they’re driving larger vehicles.

U-turns also pose a risk to bicyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. Drivers may check for oncoming motor vehicle traffic and completely overlook smaller vehicles and those on foot, who are at even greater risk in the event of a collision.

How Can I Make a U-Turn Safely?

It’s possible to execute a U-turn not only legally but also safely.

Here are some U-Turn tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you have enough space to complete the turn
  • Check your surroundings in all directions to confirm traffic is clear and it’s safe to make the turn
  • Use your turn signals
  • Go slowly to execute a sharp turn

If conditions make executing a U-turn challenging, unsafe, or impossible, accept the situation and proceed until a safer opportunity presents itself.

What Are Common Injuries from U-Turn Accidents?

U-turn accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, which may range from minor to catastrophic.

Some common U-turn accident injuries include:

  • Head injuries and neck injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Airbag and seatbelt injuries
  • Bruising
  • Internal injuries

If you’ve been injured in a U-turn accident, first, seek immediate medical care for your injuries. If you believe another driver was at fault, contact a Roanoke U-turn accident lawyer to learn more about your legal options.

What Should I Do If I Am in a U-Turn Accident?

Being involved in any kind of car accident is a traumatic experience. When serious injuries occur, the stress of dealing with medical treatment and insurance companies can be a lot to handle.

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you navigate the aftermath of the U-Turn accident:

  • Follow Your Doctor’s Treatment Plan — Seek medical attention immediately. Whether your injuries are minor or severe, your doctor will provide instructions for your treatment and recovery. Stick to the treatment plan, attend all your appointments, and don’t engage in any activities that might put your physical recovery at risk.
  • Keep Detailed Records — The amount of paperwork you’ll see following an accident can be considerable. Hang on to all communications from your medical providers and insurance company, as well as any receipts or bills related to your accident. These records will be a critical component of your legal case.
  • Seek Legal Help — An experienced car and truck accident attorney can help you understand your legal rights and seek the compensation you deserve following a U-turn accident. Let them handle the legal process while you focus on healing.

The steps you take following a U-turn accident can impact your ability to recover compensation.

Contact a Roanoke U-Turn Accident Lawyer

Car accidents are traumatic, and the physical and emotional effects may last a lifetime. If you’ve been injured by a negligent driver attempting a U-turn, contact Lichtenstein Law Group PLC to speak with a Roanoke U-turn accident attorney. We have decades of experience handling cases like yours and are committed to thoroughly investigating and preparing car accident cases for negotiation or trial. Contact our Roanoke personal injury attorney today.

Reach out to us today to discuss your case in a free consultation.