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Car Accident Statistics

The consequences of motor vehicle accidents can be life-altering, including severe injuries, fatalities, and extensive financial burdens. Because of this, the Virginia Department of Transportation has implemented several programs intended to reduce injuries and fatalities from car accidents. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles also has the authority to implement highway safety plans and other road safety programs.

Car Accident Statistics in Virginia

Different factors contribute to car accidents, including the driver’s experience level or age, distraction, intoxication, responsiveness to weather conditions, or high-risk behavior such as speeding. In Virginia, the population steadily increased from 2011 to 2015 ─ thus, more drivers are on the road, and the likelihood of an accident taking place has increased.

Are Virginia Roads Getting Safer?

Virginia car accident statistics infographic

What do the Safety Statistics Show for Virginia Roads?

The Virginia Department of Transportation notes that the number of deaths and severe injuries from highway accidents has decreased overall during the past decade. However, this paints only part of the picture.

In recent years, the number of fatalities in Virginia car accidents has either remained steady or increased, depending on the sub-group being analyzed. According to data published in 2017, the number of overall fatalities, injuries, and crashes all increased from the previous year. In addition, data presented by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes that the total number of traffic fatalities in Virginia increased each year from 2014 to 2016.

The top three counties with the highest total number of deaths in 2016 were:

  • Fairfax County
  • Prince William County
  • Chesterfield County

During these recent years, the number of fatalities specifically from speeding increased relatively significantly, with over a hundred more speeding fatalities occurring in 2016 than the year before.

Contact Our Virginia Car Accident Attorneys Today

The experienced Virginia auto accident attorneys at Lichtenstein Law Group PLC know how to advocate for your legal rights and help you demand full and fair compensation if you’ve been hurt by someone else’s negligence or recklessness.

two men involved in car accident thinking what to doOur highly respected law firm has extensive experience handling complex cases from the investigation stage through settlement or trial. Our dedicated car accident lawyers will launch a throughout investigation into your case, identify all possible sources of compensation, and develop a strong legal strategy aimed to obtain justice for you.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, contact us right away. Our personal injury attorneys have more than 100 years of combined experience, and we proudly represent clients throughout Virginia. Schedule a free consultation with our compassionate legal team today by calling (540) 685-0249, and let us fight for you.